The official publication of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus

Requirements to articles sent to editors office

  1. The materials sent to the editors office are meant to be keyboarded in MS Word, printed out on one side of an A4-sized sheet and signed by the author (authors). The volume of materials factored as the results of dissertation research should range from 15 to 30 thousand characters (including spaces between words), for other materials – up to 20 thousand characters (one page of the journal encloses approximately 5 thousand characters). The material is being published in Russian or Belarusian.
  2. The material contains the caption of the article in Russian and English and UDC (index of the Universal Decimal Classification).
  3. In addition to materials in printed form, as well as photographs, schematics, diagrams (if any), the editors office is provided with the copies thereof in electronic format (to be sent by e-mail
  4. A separate file in attachment to the material should contain complete information about the author (in case of co-authorship – for each one of the authors individually): surname, first name and patronymic in Russian (Belarusian) and English, workplace, current position, academic degree and (or) rank, contact information for feedback (place of residence, phone number, e-mail address to be published in the journal for providing feedback from reader to author), as well as a portrait photograph of the author (preferred formats – jpeg or tif, size – at least 500 pixels on the long side).
  5. Scientific and law articles factored as the results of dissertation research are being published under the heading “Science and Law”. They should include two annotations – in Russian (Belarusian) and English, keywords in Russian (Belarusian) and English, a list of quoted sources, drawn up in accordance with the requirements set by the Policy and Procedure of paper flow for a qualifying scientific work (dissertation) on academic degrees of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor Habilitatus (Doctor of Sciences), author’s abstract and dissertation related publications approved by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus No. 3 dated February 28, 2014 (such sources as codes and laws of the Republic of Belarus, edicts, decrees, directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus, resolutions of the Council Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and other officially published statutory and regulatory enactments are exclusive of the list). The article must be accompanied by a review (not of the research supervisor).
  6. The article body of text should be structured (annotation, introduction, main part, and conclusion). The introduction should contain a brief review of the literature on the subject under consideration, a range of formerly unsolved issues; the main part should necessarily go into details of questions under discussion; the conclusion is meant to contain clearly worded summaries.
  7. The articles submitted for publication in the journal “Justice of Belarus” should not have been published before, and at the time of submission to the editors office, they should not be under advisement within other journals.